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Learning Daily With Fun & Creativity


As Pablo Picasso said: "Every child is an artist". Creative art is a valuable learning experience for young children to help them develop across many domains. Seeds of Joy is a great place for children to use and explore different types of art materials, appropriate to their ages and abilities.

We work diligently to encourage children to use their imaginations and be creative working on motor skills by stimulation.


Did you know music is one of the few activities that use both sides of the brain (logical and creative)? This means it helps build important brain connections, and the more connections we have, the faster we can process information and improve our thinking. Children are able to express feelings, ideas, and solutions which they may not be able to express verbally.  At Seeds of Joy, we we incorporate music into routines and play in the early years because it has a positive influence on your child's  development. It can get them moving, thinking and inspire creativity.


Research shows that encouraging movement can give children an opportunity to develop self-awareness, master non-verbal ways of communication, and learn more about their bodies. Regular movement helps kids understand their range of motion, coordination, balance, and muscle strength.

At Seeds of Joy, we encourage our children to well-develop motor-skills coordinations in order to improve concentration, increase brain development and have a good health. 


Language development is an important part of child development. It supports your child's ability to communicate. It also supports your child's ability to: express and understand feelings.

At Seeds of Joy, we support your child's ability to communicate in one or  multiple languages. We are all bilingual-trained in English and Spanish. Our teachers know wonderful ways to enrich language by supporting, respecting and encouraging different languages by singing, reading, conversing, finger playing, poem reading, story telling, writing and drawing. 


Math is everywhere, and it’s more than just learning numbers. With daily activities such as sorting crayons by color, solving puzzles, building with blocks, counting their carrots during snack time, they are learning math. These kinds of hands-on learning activities create a solid foundation for children to understand shapes, sizes, length, addition, and subtraction.

At Seeds of Joy we take advantage of each opportunity to sort, classify, find similarities and differences, measure and estimate, solve problems and learn math-related concepts.

Outside Play

For us at Seeds of Joy, outdoor lessons are just as important as indoor classes. Natural learning environments offer infants and toddlers opportunities to further explore and discover different types of sights, sounds, smells, materials, and surfaces. This lesson will highlight the importance of outdoor play and outline important factors to consider. Time on the playground is a great opportunity for children to be physically active and engage in various forms of play, as well as develop a variety of foundational social and emotional abilities in addition to enhase their motor skills. .

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