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Diverse Learning Environments



At this special time, babies learn best through play and sensory activities. We have designed a nurturing, calming environment for your baby to develop and thrive in! Our infant nursery has been designed to provide warmth and security and to respond to your baby’s energy and curiosity. At Seeds of Joy we focused on your baby's individual needs, working with you to mirror your existing routine with bottle times, naps and play times, providing the  consistency.

needed to reach appropriate developmental milestones including the use of floor-time play, sensory exploration, singing, and modeling speech patterns.



At this time children are curious about themselves and the world around them. They are trying to figure out what role everyone plays including themselves and apply these newly found ideas. This milestones are slowly developing while your child explores, feels reassured and safe. At Seeds of Joy we help your child to build confidence to try new things and explore on their own. New feelings, emotions, and the thirst for knowing and doing more. Your toddler is going through lots of emotions while also learning about other people’s feelings.



At this stage, children  start thinking about the world in new ways. You may see some creative approaches to tackling tasks and activities. Everyday we will inspire your child to try to apply and develop further their newly acquired skills, understandings, and capacities through play, modeling, and learning materials that measure your child’s ability and growth. At Seeds Of Joy we can attend to every child’s learning and developmental needs. 


As a certified teacher, Mrs. Chechile is trilled to be able to teach every child. She keeps working diligently to provide part time and full time Pre-K services to children in our community .

Seeds of Joy is ready to prepare early learners to succeed in kindergarten and beyond!


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